I cannot believe we are three weeks into 2012 already! So far the year has been good to me: my new project is underway, we visited Manchester to see the lovely Sleepingdog and A Winged Victory for the Sullen, took a small trip to Tropical World and snapped this awesome reflection of a crocodile lazing in the water; I worked as a "supporting artiste" on the set of a new BBC TV show (I shan't tell you which, as to be honest, my acting skills are non-existent so they will probably edit me out of all the shots! But I still got paid £75 for the day, hurrah) and tomorrow I shall be visiting Liverpool to see the current exhibitions at the Tate Liverpool and Walker Art Gallery.
I seem to have become increasingly panicked by how quick the days are passing, especially in these dark winter months. To remedy this, I have started trying to get out of bed at 6am (rather than my usual 8.30), and even the extra hour or so (after I have had my obligatory 2 cups of coffee and burned awake my retinas with my macbook) really makes a difference to how much I get done in the day. I have also not drunk any alcohol for almost four weeks, meaning I no longer get that post-drink laziness that I usually suffer from. I am hoping that these new changes can continue, alongside my resolution to read more fiction. I have almost finished my second novel of 2012- I am not sure that I even read one last year. I seem to be more drawn to medical text books, fancy art tomes and biographies, but I have really enjoyed making extra time to get stuck into a story. If you have any good book recommendations, please get in touch!
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